
Check out the resources below that we have available for download.

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Plum, a Blanding's turtle, relaxing in her rehab enclosure.

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day card featuring a wood turtle with the text 'Wood you be my valentine'.
Valentine's Day card featuring a spotted turtle with the text 'I see the stars when I look at you'.
Valentine's Day card featuring a Blanding's turtle with the text 'You always put a smile on my face'.
Valentine's Day card featuring a painted turtle with the text 'You can bask near me any time'.
Valentine's Day card featuring a musk turtle with the text 'You musk be an angel'.
Valentine's Day card featuring a snapping turtle with the text 'I can't snap out of loving you'.
Valentine's Day card featuring an eastern box turtle with the text 'My heart hinges on you'.
Valentine's Day card featuring a spotted turtle with the text 'It was love when I first spotted you'.

We hope you like our Valentine's Day cards featuring New Hampshire's native turtle species! Click on any of the photos to download the file. Happy Valentine's Day!

Important Information about Wild & Pet Turtles

Trifold brochure with information about pet turtles. Front view.
Trifold brochure with information about pet turtles. Back view.

Click the images to download a PDF of our 'Important Information about Wild Turtles & Pet Turtles' brochure. This brochure contains information on the pet industry, the importance of never taking turtles from the wild, why never to release pets, and resources around rehoming. You can print the linked PDF as a 2-sided document, fold into 3 sections and share with others. Thanks for spreading the word!

How to be a Good Neighbor to Turtles

Trifold or Z fold brochure with information about how to be a good neighbor to turtles. Front view.
Trifold or Z fold brochure with information about how to be a good neighbor to turtles. Back view.

Click the images to download a PDF of our 'How to be a Good Neighbor to Turtles' brochure which has information on ways to help our local turtles. You can print the linked PDF as a trifold or Z-fold document by folding into 3 sections - please share away! Thanks for caring about turtles!